Our service is your wood or concrete's best possible protection against moisture related damage. We seal from the inside, strengthening the material, and adding extra protection and pest detterance that typical sealing processes do not, but your deck, driveway, or fence is still out in the elements and exposed to the same dangers. Keeping these surfaces sealed slows the wear and prevents mold, Ever-Sealing them slows and prevents even more.
Ever-Sealing makes your exterior surfaces low-maintenance, but not no maintenance. It'll do a much better job of preventing mold from entering the interior then top-coats and you won't need to spend hours pressure washing anymore, but shady, moist areas will still breed mold. With Ever-Seal you get the moisture resistance of composite with the beauty and feel of real wood (and far less warping). Even a composite deck can grow mold if not left clean and dry. If you see mold growing on wood or concrete, we recommend using Krud Kutter and a hose with a pressure nozzle. If mold is left alone too long, you may need to scrub or use a pressure washer if it's a large area, but you will find that mold has not penetrated into the surface.
The outer surface of Ever-Sealed wood retains its natural color, and many homeowners prefer the natural greying effect. This is actually the wood's natural protection agains UV light. Ever-Sealed wood can be stained or painted and the surface will retain the paint or stain nearly 2x longer!
It's well-known that the best thing you can do to keep wood-boring pests away is to keep wood painted or sealed. Ever-Seal bonds with wood, creating a substance that is far less desirable than even painted wood to most wood-boring pests. It is a great addition to, but not a replacement for taking the measures your pest-control professional advises.
The permanent sealing process makes concrete notably stronger and is the best possible way to prevent chipping, flaking, and hairline cracks caused by freeze-thaw cycles. The added strength is a great extra prevention against roots splitting your concrete, but there is no better way to prevent large cracks than ensuring your slab is properly supported and reinforced.
We once received an email from a customer who was displeased that plants were able to grow in the gaps between their concrete slabs. Although we explain that plant root damage is less likely, sealing concrete cannot stop plants from growing in gaps or pre-existing cracks.
As the sealant cures on your surface it will begin to shed the outer layer, leaving the natural, non-slip feel of your wood or concrete. As this happens you may experience a hazy, white material on the surface. Don't be alarmed, as it cures this will go away.
Our sealing chemical supplier only distributes to a select few companies that are certified in the installation process. It requires a heavy duty cleaning process using highly specialized equipment and training to ensure the sealant penetrates up to 8 inches.
Our warranty covers the cost of our service and materials to come and re-seal any improperly sealed surfaces, but is not additional coverage against damage to your deck, fence, or driveway. If damage does occur, we will come and re-seal any repaired surfaces for free.